Migrating from Wordpress to Jekyll
Wordpress is awesome. It's a great platform for building your blog and even more complex websites. The problem is that, for most people... it's just too much, isn't it? When you just wanna write, there is too much there to worry about.
So after some research, I've found Octopress. Octopress is a great static blog generator, based on Jekyll, with everything you need to start your own static blog. But for what I need, even Octopress is too much. So I've decided to go with Jekyll. Jekyll allows you to write your posts in Markdown files and generate your entire blog in plain HTML. No distractions, lightweight, customizable and easy to deploy.
How to migrate all posts?
I've used a nice tool called Exitwp, but nothing is that easy. I was using some plugins on my Wordpress, so I've decided to set target_format: html
on the config.yaml
file and used some regular expressions at body_replace
to do most of the Markdown conversions. You can also set download_images: True
and it will download all images for you.
Syntax highlighting
Jekyll has built in Pygments integration, the Python syntax highlighter. To use it, make sure you have Pygments installed and set pygments: true
on your blog's _config.yml
file. I also recommend changing the default Markdown parser to markdown: redcarpet
. That way, you can use GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) for your code.
When you run the jekyll new awesome-blog
command, Jekyll will generate a blog with the default theme. I've started by removing all CSS and migrating the blog to the HTML5 tags. Then I've included normalize.css and wrote my own CSS style. I'm not too good with design, but I tried to make it really simple and comfortable to read.
Also, Jekyll uses Liquid for templating and it makes things really easy to write your blog's interactions.
Thumbnails and Assets
I'm using the minimagick.rb plugin with custom setting MiniMagick.processor = :gm
to generate my thumbnails automatically using GraphicsMagick. Just put the plugin file at the _plugins
directory and configure it:
source: images
destination: thumbs
- resize: "600x5000>"
- quality: 100
I'm also using Jekyll Asset Bundler to bundle and compress all my CSS and JS. Don't forget to configure it:
js: yui
css: yui
base_path: bundles/
For the RSS Feed, just get one of the RSS templates and put on your root. Then add this to your HTML:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Blog's Title" href="/feed.xml" />
Redirecting old posts
If you don't wanna break your old links, you can also create a .htaccess
file with all your 301 (permanent) redirects. To make that task easier, I've found a nice query that will return all your Wordpress permalinks:
,'%postname%',wpp.post_name )
,'%category%',wpc.slug )
) as permalink
wp_posts wpp
INNER JOIN wp_options wpo on wpo.option_name='permalink_structure' and wpo.blog_id=0
INNER JOIN wp_options wpo_su on wpo_su.option_name='siteurl' and wpo_su.blog_id=wpo.blog_id
select wtr.object_id ID, max(wpt.slug) slug
from wp_term_relationships wtr
inner join wp_term_taxonomy wtt on wtt.term_taxonomy_id=wtr.term_taxonomy_id and wtt.taxonomy='category'
inner join wp_terms wpt on wpt.term_id=wtt.term_id
group by wtr.object_id
) wpc on wpc.ID=wpp.ID
wpp.post_type = 'post'
AND wpp.post_status = 'publish'
wpp.post_date DESC
Now you can write your redirect rules:
redirect 301 /2013/11/your-post-permalink/ /new_blog/your-post-permalink
That's it! The only other thing that I had to do is the multi language support, but that's a little tricky. I'll have to write about it later. And don't forget to read the page about how you can deploy your blog. There are many tips on how to make the process easier!